The Virgin Archetype: Artemis
Chapter 1: The Huntress (the woman that runs with the wolves)
What are Archetypes?
Archetypes are the patterns we find in stories to have a better understanding of the world. They are the characters that exist in our collective unconscious that help us make sense of the world. For men, they are the King, Warrior, Wizard, etc. We see them in movies and films such as Gandalf from Lord of the Rings (the wizard) and Ned Stark (the king). For women, there are 7 main archetypes:
The Mother
The Maiden
The Siren
The Queen
The Huntress
The Sage
The Mystic
The first four archetypes are vulnerable goddesses. These goddesses personify the traditional roles of women—wife, mother, and daughter—and are relationship-oriented, with their identity and well-being dependent on having significant relationships.
However, the other three are virgin archetypes. These goddesses represent the aspects of independence, self-sufficiency, and a focus on personal goals and inner spiritual life. These archetypes embody the self-possessed feminine spirit. Women who identify with the virgin archetypes are masters of their destinies. These are the women who define themselves, for themselves. They do not have a strong regard for social conventions because they are led by their inner convictions. These women chart their unique path, unafraid, unashamed, and undeterred. In this series, we will discuss the 3 virgin archetypes. Firstly, we will start with the Huntress.
Who is the Huntress?
Mythologically, she is Artemis, the goddess of the hunt and the moon. She represents the independent feminine spirit and protector of girls, women, and the wilderness. After Artemis was born, in some accounts, she helped her mother give birth to her brother. She also asked her father, Zeus, to make her an eternal virgin, signifying her desire for autonomy and control over her own life and body. Artemis is not only a skilled hunter but also a protector of the vulnerable. She is known to avenge wrongs, especially against women and children. Lastly, Artemis was known to roam around with her band of nymphs. She is the embodiment of nymphs.
In modern times, she is represented by characters like Buffy from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," Katniss from "The Hunger Games," and Merida from "Brave." These women are known for their competence, concern for the powerless and vulnerable, and dedication to justice. They are often leaders in movements that fight for women's rights, environmental protection, and social justice. These are the women who set a definite goal and go after it. They are the masters of their destiny and have an unwavering dedication to self-actualization.
Quiz to know if you are a Huntress
These are a set of simple questions to determine if you deeply resonate with the Huntress archetype. Every woman embodies all the archetypes, but a few often speak to each woman individually.
Do you have a fiercely independent spirit?
Do you feel a strong connection to animals?
Do you have an instinctual pull towards protecting those who can't defend themselves?
Do you deeply believe in sisterhood?
If you are saying "Yes" to all these things, then you are a Huntress. However, even the Huntress has her shadow side.
What is the Shadow Side of the Huntress?
The shadow side holds all our deepest fears, insecurities, and repressed ideas. For the Huntress, these include:
An Aversion to Vulnerability: This could mean distancing yourself from others or a reluctance to open up to people. Just as the Huntress guards the vulnerable, taken to the extreme, this could mean guarding one’s feelings and fears.
Destructive Feminine Rage: The Huntress's shadow may also harbor a capacity for destructive anger. This isn't just the fiery, righteous indignation that fuels her fight for justice but a more untamed, indiscriminate wrath that can harm innocent bystanders or undermine her own objectives.
Over-Reliance on Self: The Huntress revels in her independence. However, taken to the extreme, this could lead to a rejection of support when necessary.
How to Succeed as the Huntress
Now that you know all that could challenge you as a Huntress, how can you succeed as one?
Hunt for the life of your dreams: While archetypes like the Queen require the woman to hunt for a suitable king, or the Mother requires a woman to teach her children to hunt, the Huntress runs towards the hunt herself. While other archetypes might crave stability (such as the ...) or strategy (such as the Sage), the Huntress is driven by gut instinct. Accept that you are primal in nature and fuel your convictions with adequate action.
Cultivate skills that require gut instinct, intuition, and self-reliance: These could be grappling or wrestling games, or it could be activities like archery, where you have to go on a metaphorical “hunt.”
Find your nymphs and roam with them: The Huntress thrives on sisterhood and needs her tribe.
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