Why Is No One Preparing A Generation Of Women To Partner With The Brokest, Most Sexually Depraved, Infertile and Useless Generation Of Men?
What strategy should the modern day woman use in dating?
He gets turned on by watching gay porn and the shame of liking child porn gets him aroused…
I was at my usual co-working space and went to put my lunch in the refrigerator. While in the kitchen, I saw a friend, who we will call Serena. She is a petite woman in her late 20’s or early 30’s and has an insane ability to entertain useless men. I complimented her blue dress while she was eating her Mexican beef bowl. She begins to tell me about a guy that she is seeing in the cowering space who wears his baseball cap backward. I should have already known that this was going to be a disaster. I confirmed that I do not know who he was and she told me that she recently ended things with him after a month because he was not looking for anything serious. While they were courting, he gave her an old iPhone 8 because her then iPhone 6 was having issues. In the process of their disentanglement, she got a new iPhone 12 and was moving the apps over from his iPhone 8. She then discovered a voice recording app which she had not seen earlier. On the app, there was an hour-long convo between Mr backwards-baseball-cap and his therapist. In this recording, he admits to having HOCD (Homosexual Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder) and POCD (Pedophile-Themed Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder). He gets turned on by watching gay porn and the shame of liking child porn gets him aroused. These feelings have caused him to have suicidal thoughts and he is deeply medicated on Xanax to cope. He also watches copious amounts of porn and does not know if he is gay or if the shame of watching gay porn arouses him.
All I wanted to do was put my food in the fridge and I ended up on an episode of Jerry Springer.
Simultaneously, I recently discovered that there is a sperm count decline in the West. This impacts not only the number of sperm but also the motility and shape of the sperm. Additionally, women in the west are beginning to outperform men academically. We are already beginning to see more women being equal, if not greater contributors to the household budgets, than their male partners. Lastly, with the popularization of porn, there are communities on the internet dedicated to helping young men quit porn not because they have empathy for the women who have to perform dangerous acts but because their dicks stop working. This group of men code their misogyny under the guise of “red-pill” knowledge and have a compulsive sense of entitlement to women and our bodies.
This all means that the 21st-century woman is dealing with the brokest, most sexually depraved, infertile and underperforming group of men in history. So, what is she to do about it?
In my study of the lives of the most scintillating women in history, a pattern emerges with regards to their mating choices. I would describe these women as Erykah Badus, The Elizabeth Taylors, and The Jackie Kennedys.
These are the group of women that have a natural zest for life. They express themselves creatively either through their music, in the case of Rihanna and Erykah Badu, fashion (Rei Kawakubo and Elsa Peretti), or through their manipulation of spoken word (Oprah).
In their romantic dealings with men, these women have affairs, dalliances, relationships but often do not marry. Even if they marry, they keep their marriage away from the spotlight. These women have a staunch sense of independence and personal identity, which prevents their relationship from having a major impact on how they interact with the world.
The Erykah Badus include:
Coco Chanel
Rei Kawakubo
Elsa Peretti
These are the women who make a profession from marrying well. These women have multiple marriages with men across their lifetimes. They leave when the relationship no longer serve them and have the assurance that there is something better on the horizon.
The patron saint for this group of women is Elizabeth Taylor. She was married 8 times.
In the worlds of Zsa Zsa Gabor
I am a marvelous housekeeper. Every time I leave a man, I keep his house.
The Elizabeth Taylors include:
Zsa Zsa Gabor (7 marriages, 1 annulment)
Joan Collins (5 marriages)
Barbara Walter (4 marriages)
Rita Hayworth (5 marriages)
Josephine Baker (4 marriages)
Paris Hilton (4 engagements)
The Jackie Kennedy’s are women whose marriages were pivotal in helping them ascend to a new socio-economic class. None of those women were going to be mediocre in life. Often these women outlived or outshined their partners. However, their strategic partnerships helped propel them to stardom. When their partners do cheat, these women often forgive or overlook the philandering because they understand that infidelity will not ruin the legacy that they are trying to build. Often the men and women in these marriages are collaborators and co-conspirators in their pursuits of power.
This is obviously named after Jackie Kennedy who was married to John F. Kennedy.
Jackie Kennedys:
Michelle Obama
Hillary Clinton
Carla Bruni
Lastly, I think there is an emerging category of women that are opting out of dating ing completely. Although choice fully single women have always existed in history, they were derided because they did not fulfill women’s societal expectation of accepting male subjugation. I think that this category is still very new due to the economic implications that women in the past would have faced not being partnered with men.
In a time when women can financially provide for ourselves, and provide the overwhelming social and emotional labor for each other, what utility does partnership with a man provide? This elite group of women exercise full ownership of their lives and have decided that their life would be best lived singularly.
Our modern day patron saint is Miss Tracy Ellis-Rose.
From all these examples, an idea becomes clear. The most fabulous women in history have a fundamental understanding that any form of partnership with men is a liability. They therefore have to either milk that partnership for all its worth or not entertain it at all. These women understand the importance of cutting their loses and leaving any relationship that no longer advances their individual and personal goals.
Modern day women have undue power that women of previous generations could only imagine. Yet, we do not exercise that power. NO MORE.
I hope this article encourages women to navigate any engagement with men under the pretense of radical discernment before they end up with Mr. Backways-baseball-cap-HOCD-POCD.
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Loved the article! One thing tho, you have a few misspellings and Jackie was married to John Kennedy, not Robert Kennedy.
Thank you! A very necessary write-up. You did not mention Kim Kardashian in the Liz Taylors! I think Kim K is an exemplary Liz Taylor with 3 divorces (albeit only 1 of them being truly strategic). She could even be a Jackie Kennedy or a merger of the 2 categories; Liz Kennedy.